Why Seller

Here are the benefits of becoming our seller.

25 % Reward against
whole income
of Your Selling
7 Days Payment Over
$50 you earn
30 Days Bonus over
10k of your selling

Restaurants Data Stats

It will show you how much restaurants data currently we have. We continously updating and adding more data.

3 Million
Unique Restaurants
110 Thousand Plus
99 Percent

Restaurants Data Market

Here are the tips to sell Restaurants bulk data.

Where to Share
  • Share Restaurants data page on Social Media with your Seller ID.
    Restaurants Data
  • If you have accounts on Freelance Sites, You can find projects by search "Restaurants in".
    Freelance Websites
  • Post Restaurants Data page url on Classified websites like. Ebay, Craigslist etc
    Classified Websites
Interact with Client
  • Show sample profile to the clients and pricing
  • Ask client to provide your "Seller ID" when making order.
Use of Data
  • Create a directory website for local market.
  • Sell your products to these Restaurants owners.
  • Create an home delivery website like foodpanda.
  • Provide web development facilities if they not already have.

Businesses Data Stats

It will show you how much businesses data currently we have. We continously updating and adding more data.

10 Million
Unique businesses
300 Plus
Businesses Categories
99 Percent

Businesses Data Market

Here are the tips to sell Businesses bulk data.

Where to Share
  • Share Businesses data page on Social Media with your Seller ID.
    Restaurants Data
  • If you have accounts on Freelance Sites, You can find projects by search "Restaurants in".
    Freelance Websites
  • Post Restaurants Data page url on Classified websites like. Ebay, Craigslist etc
    Classified Websites
Interact with Client
  • Show sample profile to the clients and pricing
  • Ask client to provide your "Seller ID" when making order.
Use of Data
  • Create a directory website for local market.
  • Sell your products to these Businesses owners.
  • Provide web development facilities if they not already have.
  • Provide SEO facilities for their websites.

Become a Seller

Let's Shake Hand to earn money